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Monde Internet - Index et astuces

[Commandes utiles] [Liens utiles]

Commandes ou fonctions utiles :

  • CGI : Écriture d'un script CGI minimal sous Unix-shell
    echo "Content-Type: text/html"
    echo ""
    echo "hello"
  • HTML : Redirection automatique en HTML
    L'exemple suivant redirige après 5 secondes (0 seconde signifierait sans délai) vers la page page2.html (URL complète autorisée, par ex. http://...)
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=page2.html">
  • HTML : Repositionnement frame en page centrale en Javascript
    L'exemple suivant reouvre la même page apparu dans une frame en tant que frame principale (inclure dans une fonction Js à appeler sur onload du BODY par exemple).
    if (top.location.href != self.location.href) {
        top.location.href = self.location.href;
  • HTML : Multilignes dans les textes d'aide (tooltip text)
    Utilisez le code &#10; pour un retour à la ligne. Vous pouvez aussi directement insérer un retour à la ligne dans le source code de votre attribut !!
    Passez la souris sur le lien ci-dessus pour comprendre ...
    <a href="http://www.mickeymouse.com"
    title="Première ligne ici&#10;&#13;
    Ligne 2...&#10;
    &#09;Ligne 3 avec indentation en début de ligne,&#10;
    &#09;et dernière ligne avec indentation en début de ligne.">
    Retour à la ligne dans les textes contextuels...</a>
    Retour à la ligne dans les textes contextuels...
  • HTML : Ajout d'une icône à une URL
    Script:     Adding An Icon With Your URL - Two Methods
    Functions:  Whenever anyone bookmarks your site, an icon
                will subsequently show up on their Favorites
                list.  When your site is visited, the icon
                will also show in the URL box of the browser.
    Browsers:   IE5 and Later (ignored by other browsers)
    Author:     etLux - after Microsoft
    Method One
    Select any standard Windows icon file. The .ico file *must*
    be in standard Windows icon file format, or it will be
    Rename the icon file *exactly* to: favicon.ico -- all
    lowercase.  No deviation from this is allowed.
    Place the favicon.ico file in the 'root' directory on your
    web server (where your main index page is).
    Whenever your site is bookmarked, the icon will subsequently
    show up on the visitor's Favorites list.  When they visit
    your site, the icon will also show in the URL window of the
    That's all there is to it -- it's automatically picked up by
    IE5 and later browsers.
    Method Two
    Insert the following LINK tag in the <head>...</head> of
    your pages.
    <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://www.mydomain.com/myicon.ico">
    Change the path and icon filename to correspond to the
    location of the icon file on your site.  The icon graphic
    filename should be lowercase, no more than eight characters,
    and the extension must be .ico.
    As above, the file *must* be in standard Windows icon file
    format or it will be ignored.
    When you use this method as opposed to Method One above, the
    LINK REL code should appear on any page that might be
    Don't forget to confirm that the icon file is actually where
    you say it is in the LINK REL path!
    More Information - Creating Icons
    The following is an exact quote from Microsoft®:
    "For Internet Explorer 5, the required size of a shortcut
    icon is 16x16 pixels. To create the icon, use an icon
    editor, such as the one included in Microsoft® Visual
    Studio® or one of the many other icon editors available.
    Regardless of the program you use, make sure you set the
    editor to create an icon that is 16x16 pixels. Otherwise,
    the icon will be ignored by Internet Explorer."
    We've noticed occasionally quirky behavior with this IE5
    feature on several systems.
    In many cases the icon will not appear on your machine until
    *after* you perform the following steps:
       - close *all* programs but the browser
       - navigate to a neutral site, off your own url
       - remove any and all bookmarks (favorites) to your
           site that you may currently have
       - clear the History and the Cache of the browser
       - reboot, clear the Recycle Bin
       - reboot again, bookmark your site
       - reboot [sigh] again...

  • Liens utiles (voir ma page de liens) :

    [Commandes utiles] [Liens utiles]

    Date de modification : 30 septembre 2001